
Bedroom Inspiration

We have started the bedroom renovations.....it has been a pretty slow process though. Thought I would share some Inspiration files that I have saved in my bedroom folder.

Our new bedding looks *almost* identical to this one, this one is from pottery barn, so I am guessing the look-a-like that I bought from winners was way cheaper.

We plan on painting the walls grey...much like this room below and having all the trim painted white.
Size wise, this room below is pretty much the exact size and orientation our room will have. We are hoping to find two small dressers for either side of the bed. We will be on the look out at garage sales this summer.I hope to get a couple of these lamps for either side of the bed. They are 19.99 at Ikea...a steal!

Love the colours in the last couple of photo's, so I thought I would add them too.

Sorry I don't know where most of these photo's come from...if they are yours or you know the origin let me know and I will add a link.


Summer goals.

Thought I would write a list of 15 goals I have for this summer. I am really looking forward to this summer, so many things I want to get done this year. We have been having such great weather, and I hope it continues throught this summer!

1. Make-over our master bedroom
2. Have a vegetable garden (already happening and things are growing good...so far)
3. Trip to the zoo
4. Paint the Barn
5. Build a piece of furniture
6. 3 camping trips
7. Get rid of stuff...lots of stuff, so that I don't have to watch myself on hoarders one day.
8. Read 10 books.
9. Shed some pounds.
10. Start renovating the kitchen.
11. Scrapbook 15 pages
12. Make a photo wall going up my stairs.
13. Sew something besides scrapbook pages.
14. Make a good homemade ice tea
15. Have fun. :)